How To Care For Your Trees During the Winter Months

How To Care for Your Trees During the Winter Months

It’s common for people to take their minds off their landscapes during the winter months. At Piscataqua Landscaping & Tree Service, we know that trees, shrubs, and turf, are living things and to help them thrive, they require the appropriate attention at different intervals throughout a four-season climate.

With the winter months upon us, it’s a fantastic time to address anything from foundation shrubs to the large trees in your yard. Here are a few reasons why we recommend tree and plant healthcare during the winter:

  • Trees and shrubs are in their dormancy phase and any type of reduction pruning and thinning means less stress for your trees and plants.
  • Trees that lose their leaves in winter provide some enhanced access when pruning for structure. In addition, it gives us better visibility to assess potential storm hazards — it is always better to correct these potential dangers now before it becomes an emergency later during bad weather.
  • And lastly, once the ground freezes, we can easily and efficiently access trees with our equipment with minimal impact to the landscape unlike spring and summer.

Now is a great time to get a tree and plant healthcare checkup, so make an appointment today and get ahead of the Spring Schedule!

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